English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word cost

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The 2014 European elections cost £ 108 million to hold in the UK.
(charge; price)
(charge; expense)
🔗 Since the beginning of the year, the cost of food products in Russia has risen by 25%.
🔗 When one considers those seriously wounded or taken prisoner, it’s reasonable to assume that the Ukraine war has cost the regiment several hundred soldiers.
at the cost of
auf Kosten
koste de
🔗 The economy has been in freefall with a 57% inflation rate leading to a sky‐high cost of living.
(valuable; precious)
(dear; expensive; pricey)
🔗 As the escape from Russia is becoming an even more costly endeavour, it’s evident that it’s mostly the young, well‐educated and well‐paid who can afford to leave.

cost Kosten; kosten; Preis
at all costs um jeden Preis
cost a fortune ein Vermögen kosten
cost of living Lebenshaltungskosten
cost price Selbstkostenpreis
how much does it cost? wieviel kostet das?
running costs Betriebskosten; Unterhaltungskosten
what does that cost? wie hoch kommt das?
cost‐effective rentabel
costly aufwendig; kostbar; kostspielig
costs Kosten