English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word ashore

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
be washed ashore
(wash ashore; disembark; wash up)
seinen Fuß ans Ufer setzen
ans Ufer klettern
das Festland betreten
an Land gehen
(land; berth; beach)
ans Ufer kommen
das Ufer erreichen
das Ufer betreten
; ;
🔗 Then I will go ashore and seek to steal the princess.
run ashore
(ground; run aground; strand; grind to a halt)
auf Grund laufen
(be washed ashore; disembark; wash up)
seinen Fuß ans Ufer setzen
ans Ufer klettern
das Festland betreten
an Land gehen
🔗 And they go for months at a time eating little more than seaweed that washes ashore.
(bank; coast; waterside)
(coast; sea‐shore; sea‐coast; coastline)

ashore an Land
shore Küste; Strand; Ufer