English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word age‐long

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 In this remarkable accumulation of skeletons can be seen animals of all ages from very young to fully grown.
alt werden
alt werden
alt machen
älter machen
altern lassen
(old age)
🔗 Most of this length was made up by the long slender tail.
(a long time; for a long time)
🔗 This will be a day long remembered.
(long for; yearn; ache; ache for)
sich sehnen
🔗 She and I had a long talk.
🔗 The Vaalimaa border crossing in southeast Finland was the busiest point for Russians coming into the country, Pitkäniitty said in another tweet Sunday, adding that the line at 8 AM local time was about 500 metres (546 yards) long.

age‐long ewig
age Alter; Ewigkeit; Lebensdauer; Zeit; Zeitalter; alt machen; alt werden; alt werden lassen; altern; altern lassen; lagern; reifen; reifen lassen; älter machen
long lang; lange; sich sehnen; weit