English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word Irish

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The Irish PM has also said the UK needs to agree to a level playing field.
Irish elk
(Irish giant deer)
giganta cervo
Irish giant deer
(Irish elk)
giganta cervo
Irish potato
(potato; potato plant)
🔗 The European Union has made clear that without an agreement on Ireland, there will be no Brexit deal.
🔗 Among the dead was an Irishman who was on his honeymoon, his family said in a statement from the Irish government.

Irish Iren; irisch
Irish elk Riesenhirsch
Irish giant deer Riesenhirsch
Irish potato Erdapfel; Kartoffel
Irish Sea Irische See
Ireland Irland
Irishman Ire; Irländer