English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word dwarf

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
dwarf birch
bouleau nain
dwarf cornel
cornouiller de Suède
dwarf eel grass
dwarf elder
(danewort; daneweed; Dane’s blood; European dwarf elder; walewort; dwarf elderberry; elderwort)
petit sureau
sureau hièble
dwarf honeysuckle
(fly honeysuckle; European fly honeysuckle; fly woodbine)
chèvrefeuille à balais
chèvrefeuille des haies
dwarf mountain pine
(mugo pine; mountain pine; creeping pine; scrub mountain pine)
pin couché
pin de montagnes
pin mugo
monta pino
dwarf nettle
(annual nettle; small nettle; dog nettle; burning nettle)
ortie brûlante
ortie grièche
petite ortie
malgranda urtiko
dwarf periwinkle
(common periwinkle; lesser periwinkle; myrtle; small periwinkle)
petite pervenche
dwarf sloth
(pygmy three‐toed sloth; monk sloth)
paresseux nain
dwarf willow
(least willow; snowbed willow)
saule herbacé
herba saliko

dwarf birch bouleau nain
dwarf cornel cornouiller de Suède
dwarf eel grass varech de Nolti; zostère naine
dwarf elder hièble; petit sureau; sureau hièble
dwarf honeysuckle chèvrefeuille des haies; chèvrefeuille à balais
dwarf mountain pine pin couché; pin de montagnes; pin mugo
dwarf nettle ortie brûlante; ortie grièche; petite ortie
dwarf periwinkle petite pervenche
dwarf sloth paresseux nain
dwarf willow saule herbacé