English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word balm

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 It is a valuable balm.
(lemon balm; common balm)
mélisse officinale
balm mint
(lemon balm; common balm)
mélisse officinale
bastard balm
common balm
(lemon balm)
mélisse officinale
field balm
(ground ivy; gill‐over‐the‐ground; creeping Charlie; alehoof; tunhoof; catsfoot; run‐away‐robin)
courroie de Saint‐Jean
lierre terrestre
lierre terrestre commun
lemon balm
(common balm)
mélisse officinale

balm mélisse officinale
balm mint mélisse officinale
bastard balm mélitte
common balm mélisse officinale
field balm courroie de Saint‐Jean; lierre terrestre; lierre terrestre commun
lemon balm mélisse officinale