English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word attention

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(advertence; advertency; heed)
🔗 An inspector should never allow his attention to be distracted.
call attention to
(remark; observe; note)
(pay attention to; heed; watch out; mind; be attentive; be attentive to; take notice of)
🔗 Pay attention, men.
(pay attention; heed; watch out; mind; be attentive; be attentive to; take notice of)
🔗 But you may not have paid much attention to the chaos gripping Venezuela.

attention attention
call attention to attirer l’attention sur
call somebody’s attention to attirer l’attention de quelqu’un sur
for the attention of à l’attention de
it has come to my attention that je me suis aperçu que
jump to attention se mettre vivement au garde‐à‐vous
pay attention faire attention
pay attention to faire attention à
spring to attention se mettre vivement au garde‐à‐vous
stand at attention être au garde‐à‐vous
attentions attentions
attention‐seeking cherchant à se faire remarquer