English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word arrangement

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(lay‐out; pattern; scheme; set‐up)
🔗 Ramus has made the arrangements himself!
(fix up; array; care for)
(put in order; tidy; categorize; collate; order; sort; clean up)
🔗 The texts are arranged so as to introduce the most common Danish words and expressions in a context which should be of interest to the average foreign student, whatever his personal motive for learning the language may be.

arrangement arrangement; décision
by arrangement sur demande
by arrangement with avec l’autorisation de
make arrangements to faire des préparatifs pour; s’arranger pour
arrange arranger; arrêter de; convenir de; faire; fixer; mettre en ordre; organiser; ranger; s’arranger