English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word Spanish

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The opposition has vowed to challenge the bill, arguing that it does not have broad support in Spanish society.
(Spanish language)
🔗 The couple does not speak Spanish and some employees didn’t seem to understand them.
Spanish bayonet
(Adam’s needle; common yucca; bear grass; needle‐palm; silk‐grass; spoonleaf yucca)
yucca filamenteux
filamenta jukao
Spanish fir
sapin d’Andalousie
sapin d’Espagne
Spanish imperial eagle
(Iberian imperial eagle; Adalbert’s eagle)
aigle ibérique
hispana aglo
Spanish juniper
genévrier à encens
genévrier thurifère
incensa junipero
Spanish salsify
(black salsify; black oyster plant; serpent root; viper’s herb; viper’s grass; scorzonera)
salsifis noir
scorsonère d’Espagne
hispana skorzonero
🔗 The Eighty Years’ War between the provinces and Spain began in 1568.

Spanish espagnol; Espagnol
Spanish bayonet yucca filamenteux
Spanish fir sapin d’Andalousie; sapin d’Espagne
Spanish imperial eagle aigle ibérique
Spanish juniper cèdre d’Espagne; genévrier de France; genévrier d’Espagne; genévrier thurifère; genévrier à encens; genévrier à résine odorante
Spanish salsify asperge d’hiver; salsifis d’Espagne; salsifis d’été; salsifis noir; scorsonère; scorsonère d’Espagne
Spain Espagne