English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word Dutch

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 King Louis Bonaparte did not meet Napoleon’s expectations—he tried to serve Dutch interests instead of his brother’s—and he was forced to abdicate on 1 July 1810.
(Dutch language)
Dutch crocus
(spring crocus)
crocus de Naples
crocus de printemps
crocus printanier
Dutch gin
Dutch hyacinth
(garden hyacinth; common hyacinth)
jacinthe d’Orient
🔗 In South Africa, the Dutch settled the Cape Colony in 1652.
🔗 The Netherlands were a logical choice for DCMN.
🔗 Poland, Denmark and the Netherlands are among the countries that have said they will participate in the training.

Dutch hollandais; néerlandais
Dutch crocus crocus de Naples; crocus de printemps; crocus printanier
Dutch gin genièvre
Dutch hyacinth jacinthe d’Orient
Dutchman Hollandais; Néerlandais
Netherlands Pays‐Bas