English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word site

English → Esperanto
(place; field; locale)
(scene; venue)
🔗 Bachmut has been the site of one of the bloodiest battles between Russian and Ukrainian forces since the Kremlin launched its invasion last year.
(website) ()
(stead; place; spot; locality)
🔗 It is a very rare species in Britain, occurring at only a handful of sites.
(building site; building plot) (; )
building site
surkonstruota tereno
(building plot; site) (; )
🔗 Novák, a close ally of conservative prime minister Viktor Orbán, resigned a week after her presidential pardon was first reported by local news site 444.hu.
(camping ground; camp; campground)
(site) ()
🔗 But Harry and Meghan aren’t known for compromising so what if they refuse to retract their announcement and update the website?