English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word say

English → Esperanto
🔗 It was just the way I said.
(for example; for instance; e.g.; i.e.)
ni diru
🔗 Then we heard the mass and the priest said to say a prayer for the pope.
before you can say Jack Robinson
(before you know it; in a twinkling; off‐hand; before you could say Jack Robinson; in a brace of shakes; in a jiffy; in a shake; in the twinkling of an eye; in two shakes; in two shakes of a lamb’s tail)
post momenteto
before you could say Jack Robinson
(before you know it; in a twinkling; off‐hand; before you can say Jack Robinson; in a brace of shakes; in a jiffy; in a shake; in the twinkling of an eye; in two shakes; in two shakes of a lamb’s tail)
post momenteto
it goes without saying
(naturally; obviously; of course; that goes without saying)
(fame; renown; repute; rumour; kudos)
(maxim; proverb; adage)