English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word hit

English → Esperanto
(beat; strike; wallop; jab; belabour; belt)
(strike; smack; stub; poke)
(craze; vogue; furore)
(catch; strike; attain; encounter; find; run up against; befall; betide; ravage)
(blow; strike; whack; stroke; jab; lash)
(knock; blow; smack; strike; stroke; poke)
(hit‐song) ()
🔗 Russia has refused to acknowledge that the ship was hit by missiles, but that’s no surprise.
🔗 Europe’s possible agricultural import duties on corn would also hit red rural regions more than blue urban ones.
bomb hit
box‐office hit
(box‐office success)
hit the deck
(start working; put in use; get to work; settle to work; set to work)
hit the hay
(go to bed; retire; hit the sack; bed; go to rest; retire for the night; retire to bed; retire to rest)