English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word falling

English → Esperanto
(fall off; tumble down; drop)
🔗 The inner scales enlarge when spring growth begins and often become an inch long before they fall.
(drop; lapse)
🔗 The house must have fallen on her.
(decrease; diminish; drop; reduce; shrink; dwindle; ease)
🔗 North Korean food production in 2018 fell to its lowest level for over a decade, leaving millions without enough to eat, according to the United Nations.
🔗 There are job cuts in every sector, the rouble has fallen, and some people have not been paid,
(drop; lapse)
🔗 Reinking is from Morton, Illinois and is believed to have moved to the Nashville area last fall.
(downfall; drop)
(destruction; doom; downfall; perdition; ruin; wreck)
(decline; going down; regression; retreat; setback)
🔗 Rand almost fell from surprise.
(come about; happen; occur; take place; be afoot; come on; come to pass; be set; transpire)