English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word web

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(spiderweb; cobweb; spider’s web);
(spiderweb; cobweb; web)
🔗 With PHP, creating web pages with dynamic content from a database is remarkably simple.
(spiderweb; web; spider’s web); ;
(cobweb; web; spider’s web)
🔗 But Harry and Meghan aren’t known for compromising so what if they refuse to retract their announcement and update the website?

web bindweefsel; samenweefsel; spinneweb; vlag; vlies; wang; web; weefsel; zwemvlies
spider’s web spinneweb
web page webpagina
web service webservice
cobweb broos; rag; ragfijn; spinneweb; spinrag; teer
spiderweb spinneweb
webbed met zwemvliezen
webbing singel; singelband; weefsel
web‐footed met zwempoten
web‐shop webwinkel
website website