English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word respond

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Moscow says it will respond to any Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory by striking Kyiv with more missiles.
(answer; reply; correspond; return)
🔗 “I know all”, responded the augur.
respondi al
🔗 I assure you that the lady Mieltrude will respond to your questions.
🔗 There was no response.
(answer; reply);
🔗 In due course he returned with a response.

respond antwoorden; gehoor geven; reageren
respond to antwoorden op; gehoor geven aan; reageren op
respond to the helm naar het roer luisteren
respondent antwoord gevend; gedaagd; gedaagde; gehoor gevend; ondervraagde; reagerend; respondent
response antwoord; reactie; respons; responsorie; responsorium; tegenspel; wederwoord; weerklank