English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word public opinion

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Russia’s government can do that because public opinion is just not as important to the Putin regime as it would be in a Western democracy.
(contention; sentiment; stand; view; viewpoint); ; ; ;
🔗 At the first difference of opinion the armies might well overcome the diplomats.
; ;
🔗 The mayor of Kyiv, Vitalij Kličko, has told the BBC the Russian public will eventually realize their young soldiers are dying for nothing more than Russian president Vladimir Putin’s ambitions.
🔗 It will be paid from public funds.

public opinion de openbare mening; de publieke opinie
opinion advies; denkwijze; dunk; gevoelen; idee; inzicht; mening; oordeel; opinie; optiek; zienswijze
public algemeen; gemeen; lands‐; openbaar; openlijk; overheids‐; publiek; rijks‐; staats‐; volks‐