English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word litterbug

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(eavesdrop; listen in; monitor; tap)
🔗 A strongly typed language like C# helps the compiler find bugs in your code.
🔗 Hurriedly he turned the litter around and dragged it back into the trees a way, then stopped to catch his breath and let his heart stop pounding.
(detritus; garbage; leavings; refuse; trash; waste; scrap; clippings);

litterbug rommelmaker
bug afluisterapparaat; afluisterapparaatje; afluisterapparatuur aanbrengen bij; afluisterapparatuur gebruiken tegen; afluisteren; bacil; bug; ergeren; insect; kever; lastig vallen; manie; rage; tor; torretje; wandluis; wants; weegluis
litter afval; baar; bezaaien; dooreengooien; draagbaar; draagkoets; jongen; jongen krijgen; jongen werpen; nest; overal laten liggen; overal neergooien; rommel; rommelzo; rommelzooi; stalstro; strooisel; warboel; warwinkel; werpen; worp; zwerfafval