English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word foster‐family

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(clan; ethnic group; race; tribe; kin; kind; people; stock)
🔗 While it is not entirely certain that these fossils indeed are of turacos, it nonetheless appears as if the family evolved in the Oligocene of central Europe or perhaps northern Africa, and later on shifted its distribution southwards.
🔗 Since the student protests started, families all over Thailand have become increasingly divided.
(feed; nourish; nurture)
🔗 For example, it fosters fear in other nations and has had a negative effect upon Peking’s diplomacy.

foster‐family pleeggezin
family familie; geslacht; gezin; huisgezin; huishouden; huishouding; kinderen; sibbe
foster aankweken; als pleegkind opnemen; bevorderen; koesteren; kweken; opvoeden; voeden