English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word bureau

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 D3 ith the secret intelligence bureau.
🔗 Foreign exchange broker FairFx, which carried out a survey for the BBC, said this rate, from Moneycorp at Southampton Airport, was the worst at any airport bureau de change.
politika buroo

bureau bijkantoor; bureau; bureel; centrale; dienst; kantoor; ladenkast; latafel; schrijftafel
bureau de change wisselkantoor
election bureau verkiezingsbureau
employment bureau arbeidsbureau
information bureau informatiebureau
marriage bureau huwelijksbureau
press bureau persbureau
research bureau onderzoeksbureau
translation bureau vertaalbureau
bureaucrat bureaucraat
politbureau politbureau
weather‐bureau meteorologisch instituut