English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word backchat

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(babble; yak; yatter; small talk); ;
(chatter; babble; yabber; yak); ; ;
🔗 In the rural area of Domboshawa, Andrew, 53, says he’s been chatting with friends and neighbours about what has become of Mugabe and his wife Grace, who hasn’t been seen since the apparent coup.

backchat brutaal antwoord; woordenwisseling tussen komieken
chat babbel; babbelen; babbeltje; chatten; gekeuvel; gekout; gepraat; keuvelarij; keuvelen; klappen; kout; kouten; praaje; praatjes rondstrooien; praten; snappen; tapuit; tjiftjaf