English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word Mosaic

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(mosaic work)
🔗 Every sentence is a mosaic in which the words are intricately fitted.
(mozaic floor)
🔗 If one did not look too closely, the huge room could have been in a palace, with its tall marble fireplaces and its golden lamps hanging from the domed ceiling, its colourful tapestries and intricately patterned mosaic floor.
🔗 Surely none of his companions, lying on their bellies with their masked faces pressed to the mosaic tiles, would have spoken, but it was not the voice he expected from…
mosaic work

mosaic ingelegd; inlegwerk; mozaïek
Mosaic mozaïsch
mosaic floor mozaïekvloer
mosaic tile mozaïektegel
mosaic work mozaïek