English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word that is beside the question

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(at; by; near; near to; next to; alongside)
🔗 Then she was gone, and he was left alone beside the litter.
(alongside; next to; sideways to; adjacent to; on the side of)
🔗 “Presently we return to Earth,” he told her, “to my home beside a great river in the green land of Ascolais.”
(at; with; by; next to; in the case of; among; on)
(apart from; besides; in addition to; as well as; aside from; but; except; beyond)
(issue; query; inquiry)
🔗 Turjan put his question.
(ask; inquire; demand)
🔗 “Who are you?” he questioned.
(thing; matter; case; issue)
🔗 He apparently expected NATO would be divided on the question of helping a non‐member.

that is beside the question dit kom nie er sprake nie
beside behalwe; buiten; by; digby; langs; naas; neffens
question betwyfel; in twyfel trek; kwessie; ondersóék; ondervra; punt van behandeling; strydpunt; twyfel; uitvra; uitvraag; vra; vraag; vraagstuk