English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word sand‐blast

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(explosion; bang; outbreak; outburst)
🔗 The blast happened near a mosque in the southwestern province of Balochistan on Friday as people gathered to celebrate the birth of the prophet Muhammad.
🔗 And what if I walked on the sand without boots?
(of sand; sandy)

sand‐blast sandstraal
sand‐blast machine sandblaastoestel
blast brand; geskal; laat ontplof; lading; lugtrilling; met dinamiet skiet; ontploffing; plaag; rukwind; skoot; uitbars; verderf; verdor; vernietig; verseng; vervloek; verydel; wind; windstroom
sand met sand meng; met sand skuur; sand; sandbank; sandgrond; versand
sand‐blaster sandblaser