English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word it makes a hole in one’s pocket

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(eye; puncture)
🔗 My father will be wondering if I fell into a hole.
🔗 Anything found in the pockets was put atop the chests, and the old clothes were bundled up carelessly, like rags.

it makes a hole in one’s pocket ’n mens se sak voel dit
hole boring; ertjie; et; gat; hok; hokkie; hol; in ’n gat jaag; ingooi; inslaan; opening; pondok; putjie; suikerriet plant; tonnel; uitgraaf; ’n gat maak
pocket beurs; diepte; holte; hom toe‐eien; in die sak steek; onderdrúk; sak; sakkie; sluk; stop; wegbêre