English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word grassland

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 How well I remember the smell of the mown grass.
(marijuana; pot)
🔗 The people cannot return to their land because the Burmese army is shooting people on sight.
(earth; ground)
🔗 The sun had baked the ploughed land into a grey mass, with little cracks running through it.
(estate; farm; property; ranch);

grass aan die daglig bring; doodskiet; gras; grassoort; laat bleik; laat graas; met gras beplant; met grassooie toemaak; neertrek; platgooi; uittrek; weiveld
land aan land sit; aan land stap; aanland; bring; gaan sit; grond; grondbesit; grondvat; kry; laat land; land; landerye; landstreek; neerstryk; ontskeep; uittrek; val; vang; wen

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