English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word corporate body

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 A badly‐burnt body with part of a limb missing has been found in undergrowth between the 17th and 18th holes of an East Sussex golf course.
(crowd; heap; mass; multitude; pile; accumulation; bevy)
(cadaver; corpse; carcass; dead body; stiff)
🔗 The problem with Russian bodies is really huge.

corporate body korporasie; regspersoon; regspersoonlikheid
body afdeling; bak; bas; beliggaam; bende; bostel; dekvermoë; hart; hoofdeel; hoofinhoud; huis; instansie; kern; krag; liggaam; lyf; lyfie; lyk; lywigheid; massa; materie; meerderheid; persoon; romp; skag; stertstuk; stof; trop; vereniging; versameling; volheid