English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word Scotch

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(Scot; Scotsman)
🔗 A baby elk has been born in the wild in Scotland for the first time in about 1,000 years!

Scotch Skots
scotch blok voor ’n wiel sit; insnyding; kerf; kerwe; onskadelik maak; remblok; stopblok; verydel; wig
Scotch cart skotskar
Scotch cousin ver bloedverwant
Scotch marriage <huwelik van weggeloopte paar>
Scotch mist motreën; vaarlandsdou
Scotch rose duinroos
Scotch thistle Skotse distel
scotch‐block keerblok
Scotchman Skot
Scotchwoman Skotse vrou
Scotland Skotland