Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word vyl

Afrikaans → English
vyl file
halfronde vyl half‐round file
aansitvyl safe‐edge file
afvyl file off; file away
amarilvyl emery stick
baardvyl warding‐file
blindekantvyl safe‐edge file
blokvyl square file
buikvyl bellied file
dubbelsoetvyl dead‐cut file
gladdekantvyl safe‐edge file
gladdevyl dead‐cut file
groefvyl float; riffler
handvyl flat file; hand‐file
houtvyl wood‐file
insnyvyl feather‐edge file
kantvyl barette‐file; cantfile
kruiskapvyl cross‐cut file
platvyl barette‐file; flat file
raspervyl rasping file
saagvyl saw‐file
skarniervyl joint‐file
skropvyl coarse file
snelfyl rough file
soetvyl smooth‐file
swaelstertvyl dovetail‐file
swawelstertvyl dovetail‐file
vylangel file tang
vyldoring file tang
vylhandvatsel file‐holder
vylsel filings; scobs