Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word oorvloed

Afrikaans → English
oorvloed abundance; affluence; bountifulness; exuberance; glut; luxuriance; oodles; opulence; overabundance; overflowing; plenitude; plenteousness; plenty; plethora; profuseness; profusion; redundance; redundancy; sea; store; superabundance; superfluity; wealth
horing van oorvloed cornucopia; horn of plenty
in oorvloed galore
oorvloedig abundant; affluent; ample; bounteous; bountiful; bumper; copious; exuberant; redundant; lavish; free; full; gushing; gushy; large; luxuriant; numerous; opulent; plenteous; plentiful; plenty; in plenty; plethoric; profuse; rich; rife; superabundant
vloed alluvion; gust; flood; flood‐tide; flow; flux; gush; inundation; spate; stream; torrent