Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word krom

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto

krom aquiline; awry; beaked; cock‐eyed; crooked; curve; curved; hooked; inflect; stooping; tortuous
gekrom curved
krombalk cantilever
kromhals retort
kromheid crookedness
kromhout camber; knee; knee‐piece; knee‐timber; timber
kromlynig curvilinear
kromme curve
kromming bend; camber; crook; curvation; curvature; curve; elbow; flexion; turn; turning; incurvation; inflexion; sinuosity; sinus; tortuosity; tortuousness
kromspoor curved track
kromstaf crosier
kromswaard falchion; scimitar
kromte crook; curvature; flexure
kromtrek buckle; cast; distort; warp; lift; hunch; spring
vogkrommend hydrotropic