Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word kop‐

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Emmanuel het glo beserings aan sy kop en gesig opgedoen.
🔗 Ja, jy kan mos nie ’n houtkop vertrou nie.

kop crest; crown; ear; fell; head; headline; head‐piece; jowl; loaf; mount; mountain; nob; noddle; nucleus; pate; pointing; sconce
kop‐ capitate; capitated
die kop bo water hou keep one’s head above water
die kop inslaan brain
die kop krap cudgel one’s brains
die kop laat hang hang the lip
die kop op hol bring make giddy
die koppe bymekaarsteek lay heads together; put their heads together
die kop skud shake one’s head
die spyker op die kop slaan hit the nail on the head; hit the mark
iemand iets voor die kop gooi cast something in somebody’s teeth
iemand se kop op hol bring turn somebody’s head
in sy kop kry take into one’s head
jou kop breek oor puzzle about; puzzle over
jou kop in ’n strop steek put one’s head in the noose; put one’s head in a noose
jou kop laat hang hang one’s head
jou kop teen ’n muur stamp run one’s head against a wall; run one’s head against a stone wall
kop aan kop bots collide head‐on
kop in een mus thick
kop in een mus wees be hand in glove
kop in een mus wees met be in league with
kop in ’n mus wees be hand and glove
na die kop gaan go to one’s head
nie kop of stert van iets kan maak nie unable to make head or tail of something
’n kop groter taller by a head
op die kop gee knock on the head
op sy kop topsy‐turvy
per kop per man
sy kop stamp bump one’s head
sy kop verloor lose one’s head
uit die kop without book; by heart; from memory; by rote
uit die kop leer con; get by heart; learn by heart
uit die kop praat dissuade
van kop tot toon cap‐a‐pie; from head to foot; through and through; from tip to toe; from top to toe
afkop decapitated; without a head; headless
agterkop occiput; poll
bokop sinciput
bomkop warhead
boorkop cutter‐block; drill‐socket; drill head
borselkop crew‐cut; crew‐cropped head; crew‐cut hair
bossiekop mop‐head; nag; pony
botterkop dunce; garron; hinny
dikkop cheese‐head; hangover; thickhead
dikkoppig obstinate; stupid
dikkopspyker hob; hobnail
domkop donkey; ass; beetle‐brain; blockhead; blunderer; bonehead; chuckle‐head; silly chump; clod; dolt; dud; dullard; dunce; dunderhead; cully; muff; fat‐head; gull; loon; noodle; flat; greenhorn; jobbernowl; jolterhead; juggins; idiot; know‐nothing; ignoramus; leather‐head; loggerhead; lowbrow; muddle‐head; mug; ninny; nitwit; noddy; pudding‐head; silly; snipe; spoony; stupid; sucker; thickhead; stupid thing; tomnoddy; wooden‐head
doodskop death’s‐head; monkey‐fish; skull
drakekop gargoyle
driekopspier triceps
drifkop hothead; hotspur; spitfire; Tatar
dwarskop cross‐patch; disagreeable person; hothead; opinionist; tally‐ho
ghrieskop grease‐cap
gleufkoppen serrated pin
grootkop big end; mastermind
hamerkop hammerhead
hardkoppig hard‐boiled
houtkop nigger; kaffir; houtkop
kaalkop bald; baldhead; baldpate; bareheaded; as bald as a coot; croppy
kaaskop fool; blockhead; Hollander
kalwerkop mullet
kartelkop milled head
keperkop milled head
klepkop valve‐head
klinknaelkop rivet‐head
klipkop clod‐pate; jobbernowl; tor
kloukop chuck
kopband fillet; frontal; frontlet; headband
kopbeen cranium; skull
kopdoek scarf; kerchief
kopduik header
kop‐en‐kop‐loop dead heat
kophare head
kopklep overhead valve
kopkool cabbage
koplas heading‐joint
koplig headlight; headlamp
koppenent head
koppesneller head‐hunter; scalp‐hunter
kopreël headline
kopriem crown‐piece
kopseer headache
kopskoot home‐goer
kopsku bridle‐shy; shy; evasive
kopslaai cabbage‐lettuce
kopsteen cope‐stone; coping‐stone; header; through‐stone
kopstem headvoice
kopstronk cob
kopstuk head‐piece; headstall
kopstut headrest
kop‐teen‐kopbotsing head‐on collision
koptelefoon earphone; headphone
koptou lasher
kopvel scalp
kop‐vooruit headlong
kopwas shampoo
kopwassing shampoo
kopwerk intellectual work
kopwurm cob‐worm
korrelkop cross‐patch
kragkop working head
kroeskop fuzzy‐wuzzy; half‐caste; woolly head
kruiskop cross head
krulkop curly‐head; curly‐pate; friz; tiptol
kwaaikop Tatar
loskop scatter‐brain; loose head; tailstick; relict
makasterkop woolly head
malkop off one’s dot; harum‐scarum; madcap
malkopdaad escapade
naafbuskop hub‐cap
pampoenkop fat‐head; rube
pankop bald head
penkop halfling; hobbledehoy; novice; sprig; stripling
pielkop mother‐fucker
platkop catfish; octopus
platkopduif turbit
rooikop ginger; red‐head
silinderkop cylinder‐head
skaapkop mutton‐head
skurfkop scald‐head
slaapkop sleepy head
slangkop snake’s head
snapperkop snap‐head
speldekop pinhead
spilkop capstan‐head; headstock
spitskop conical hill
stompkop crew‐cropped head; croppy; crew‐cut
stootkussingkop buffer‐head
styfkoppig headstrong; obstinate
suierkop piston‐head
torpedokop warhead
veelkoppig hydra‐headed
verdelerkop distributor head
verkoelerkop radiator‐cap
versinkkop countersunk head
viskop jowl; fish‐head
vlakkop countersunk head
voorkop forehead; brow; front; sinciput
warkop muddle‐head; scatter‐brain
witkop blonde; fair head
ysterkop iron