Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word dring

Afrikaans → English
dring crowd; elbow; force; hustle; impel; jostle; press; push; throng
afdring push off; hustle off; force from
agteruitdring supersede
binnedring crush into; invade; penetrate; squeeze one’s way in
dringend urgent; clamant; crying; emergent; exigent; imperative; imperious; importunate; instant; peremptory; pressing; urgently
gedrang cram; crowd; crush; helter‐skelter; hustle; jam; jostle; lock; press; push; rat race; rout; squash; squeeze; throng
indring barge in; crash; crowd into; encroach; intrude; invade; horn in; interlope; thrust in
opdring intrude; force on; obtrude; throng
opeendring huddle
saamdring compact; congest; crowd; jam
uitdring hustle
voortdring make head; press on
vooruitdring shove along