Information du mot Burmese (anglais → espéranto: birma)

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Exemples d’usage

The Burmese army took political power in Burma in 1962 and has ruled the country ever since.
We condemn any violence against the people of Burma and reiterate our calls on the Burmese military to refrain from violence against peaceful protesters.
Associates of the publisher say he is the victim of an effort by Burmese authorities to seize control of the Myanmar Times.
Narcotics merchants in China also have played a helpful rôle in Burma’s continued export of near‐record levels of opium gum for heroin production, and wealthy investors from a few other Asian nations have been spending just enough money on new Burmese hotels, real estate, mining and manufacturing projects to keep the country’s economy afloat.


allemandbirmanisch; burmesisch
espérantobirma; burma
frison saterlandbirmanisk