Information about the word braggadocio (English → Esperanto: fanfaronado)

Synonym: hype

Part of speechcommon noun
Shavian alphabet𐑚𐑮𐑨𐑜𐑩𐑛𐑴𐑗𐑦𐑴
Deseret alphabet𐐺𐑉𐐰𐑀𐐯𐐼𐐬𐐽𐐮𐐬

Usage samples

After all, Trump can’t back off from his past braggadocio and at the same time project to his followers that he’s the same Trump they desperately want him to be.
Putin’s Russia suffers from a slew of mutually reinforcing tensions that have produced a state that is far more fragile than his braggadocio would suggest.


Dutchblaaskakerij; blufferij; gesnoef; opschepperij; snoeverij