Information about the word Chechnya (English → Esperanto: Ĉeĉenujo)

Synonym: Chechenia

Part of speechproper name
Shavian alphabet·𐑗𐑧𐑗𐑯𐑾

Usage samples

Ramzan Kadyrov, the powerful head of Russia’s republic of Chechnya, said early on Monday that there will be an offensive by Russian forces not only on the besieged port of Mariupolʹ, but also on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.
Politically and religiously motivated attacks on civilians in Russia have been traced to separatist sentiment among the largely Muslim population of its North Caucasus region, particularly in Chechnya, where the central government of the Russian Federation has waged two bloody wars against the local secular separatist government since 1994.


EsperantoĈeĉenujo; Ĉeĉenio
Saterland FrisianTschetschenien