Information about the word raccoon dog (English → Esperanto: procionhundo)

Synonym: raccoon‐dog

Part of speechcommon noun
Hyphenationrac·coon dog
Shavian alphabet𐑮𐑨𐑒𐑵𐑯𐑛𐑪𐑜
Deseret alphabet𐑉𐐰𐐿𐐭𐑌𐐼𐐱𐑀

Usage samples

Using remote cameras, researchers from the University of Georgia recovered more than 267,000 photos of more than 20 species, including raccoon dogs, wild boars, macaques, pheasants, foxes and Japanese hares in the areas surrounding the power plant.
Raccoon dogs, like one shown here, were known to be traded at the market in Wǔhàn, China.